Article: Linux’s Legal World After SCO

by Pamela Jones of Apparently Linux is ready for the business world. I particularly like the quotes on page six, including this gem:

No FOSS developer would ever pretend that a browser was part of an operating system, for example.

And this:

People Know Now that You Can Make Money with GPL Software

Now if only it was ready for the desktop..

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. 😉 I wonder if Asa would like to update his opinion…

3 thoughts on “Article: Linux’s Legal World After SCO”

  1. > No FOSS developer would ever pretend that a browser was part of an operating system, for example.
    Eh, most linux distributions consider nothing part of the operating system…
    Even for that, Ubuntu for example recommends that you “do not remove the Ubuntu version of Firefox. Doing so will break the following packages: Yelp (help viewer), Epiphany, Gnome-app-install (Add Applications), Liferea, Blam and any application requiring the gecko rendering engine.” making this application a requirement for the operating system (which is defined by the base system).

  2. > No FOSS developer would ever pretend that a browser was part of an operating system, for example.
    Considering that Konqueror (backend, not frontend) is far more integrated into KDE than IE ever was into Windows (also backend, not frontend) this statement is more than stupid.

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