Continuing missions…

The Star Trek: Enterprise finale didn’t suck, at all

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. It (and the episode that preceded it) were really well-done.
They gave us Riker & Troi, in a nice touch. I only wish they’d given us those two on the Titan, after Nemesis. Oh, well. I guarantee you Jonathan Frakes didn’t have those bags under his eyes in the time frame of the episode they wrapped it around.
The main story was touching, though.
Rick Berman: if you’re reading this, maybe after your Star Trek hiatus, you’ll resurrect one of the Great Bird’s other interesting ideas and set it in whatever century you please. Where did Seven come from? (I don’t mean Jeri Ryan.)

2 thoughts on “Continuing missions…”

  1. I think they should do a star trek about Prometheus(sp?) this is the nifty little prototype that starfleet produced which can split up and destroy things. Featured during a Voyager episode, where the EMH gets transported to this ship accidentaly.

  2. I thought the last episode was ok
    Like most Star Trek since the TNG/DS9 era, the overall concept was good, but had issues in the execution.
    For example I thought how Trip died could have been done much better. They should have showed the speech at the end. The overall acting was a little forced.
    So in the end i thought it was good, but all together forgetable. Which is too bad since the best series finally i think i have ever seen was “all good things” for TNG. So we know they have it in them to do it, but for me this just wasn’t very memeorable

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