Mozilla: The Next Generation

Five years ago, I asked Netscape if they had any JavaScript 1.5 documentation. The answer I received was, “No, but would you like to write it?” I said no, I’m not qualified.
Eight months later, I realized I was wrong: I could write their reference and guide. Alas, it was too late, and the contract had already gone to someone else. This is all right, though, since I got something even better: a book deal with Sams Publishing.
Today, we Mozilla enthusiasts face a similar problem. There appear to be no plans for Mozilla 1.8 final. Well, a few good hackers don’t like that idea! There’s only one problem: they are few.
Before you tell yourself, “there’s no way I can help get a Mozilla 1.8 release out,” you should understand that it doesn’t necessarily require you to know how to code. There’s bug triage, QA, release notes (probably what I should contribute), and tons of testing!
A lot of it is dirty and underappreciated work… but it can be done. We just need help!
More than one person fears I want to fork Seamonkey or encourage people going their own separate ways. Not so! We can rally together and open new frontiers for the future of Mozilla… but only if we gather around and push towards a release we can call 1.8.
Who’s with us? Mozilla hacking experience not required, as I said before — at the worst, Mozilla use experience! Which means anyone… and I mean anyone who has an opinion and can use a web browser can help.
All bugs are shallow… but only if you give us your eyeballs

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UPDATE: I should clarify that not all hope for a 1.8 final is lost yet. The Mozilla Foundation has made no official statement one way or the other, and may obsolete this whole thread and effort. I sincerely hope they do.

3 thoughts on “Mozilla: The Next Generation”

  1. They won’t obsolete this whole effort… In the best case, they may take care of release procedures, or at least play their role in those, with letting the community help out in a few areas. If they are very nice, they’ll even do that for future releases.
    Future development of SeaMonkey needs people who are doing the development work though, and everybody who can help (also means someone not knowing stuff yet but willing to learn it) is appreciated and needed.

  2. Well, if you are a competent javascript programmer, you could help the suite more than you think.
    A lot of the C code of the suite lies in the core components that are shared with Firefox/ThunderBird.
    Even if MoFo let’s down the suite, they will still be updated and stabilized. What is specific to the suite is mostly the XUL and the javascript on top of those components.

  3. It is a good thing to stop mozilla 1.8 final,
    work should be continued on firefox and thunderbird
    and various projects.
    (From Alex: Well, there are certain parties who want stable milestones of the Mozilla Application Suite. Including corporate customers.)

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