Which Linux distribution is best for building Mozilla?

For the moment, it appears I may have access to a DSL connection, plus a CD-RW drive. Considering the machine at home is running Mandrake Linux 9.1, and Mandrake’s latest version is 10.0, it’s probably time for an upgrade.
But which one should I upgrade to? Fedora Core? Debian? Mandrake again? I realize this blog entry may restart some ancient rivalries
UPDATE: It did restart the ancient rivalries. Would that I had this much commentary on my blog on a regular basis!
So far, I think Gab00n’s comment is the most informative for me, even though it didn’t answer my question directly. It answered another, more fundamental question

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Maybe I should just ask Alex Fritze what he recommends. After all, I’m really interested in using his Mozilla-contributed SVG and XTF code.

18 thoughts on “Which Linux distribution is best for building Mozilla?”

  1. I’d say Gentoo, because it builds everything.. the whole distribution is geared towards the very task you’re trying to do.

  2. I currently use Gentoo, and I like how clean and fast it is, but it takes some work to get going with it, and compiling everything can get annoying. I’d say Debian or a variant (MEPIS, Knoppix, etc). I’d avoid RPM-based distros like Fedora or Suse. RPM is teh suck.

  3. All of them! They all come with the toolchain to build mozilla so it’s not really a way to judge the relative merits of any particular distro. I’d suggest you pick a distro based on other critera; what else do you want to do?
    (From Alex: Great suggestion. I don’t have that much hard drive space.)

  4. i would say mandrake 10.
    i used to be a huge fan of red hat. I used redhat from version 6-9.
    After installing mandrake 10, i never experienced linux that so stable plus, damn good GUI too..
    to me, mandrake rox..

  5. Another vote for SUSE, simply because “it works”. It’s also better integrated and easier to use, IMHO of course.

  6. I’m happy with Mandrake (Manduck The Magician, for those ancient enuff to recognize the early Mad Magazine reference..) – I have had some issues with 10.1 community, but, despite Mandrake not being considered respectable by the uber-geeks, I have bunches of production servers running 10.0. Easy upgrade, too. I would a) back up all data and .conf files) b) try the 10.0 Official upgrade, and c) if not happy, then move to Gentoo or something else, as you prefer. If it aint (too) broke, why fix it?
    (From Alex: Mandrake isn’t considered respectable by geek cartoonists, either…)

  7. Gentoo is one of my favourites, but it is a difficult decision as after a point it is kind of a personal choice.
    For beginners who are entirely new, Mandrake would be a good choice. For more experienced users i would say Gentoo, Debian, Knoppix , and Suse are some good choices.

  8. I’m currently running Mandrake 10.0 — I had problems with Fedora (there was a timing issue with a layered application that wasn’t reported on any other distro). I’d avoid Fedora.

  9. Fedora Core 3 should come with gcc 3.4.2 plus a lot of patches by RH gcc hackers. The linker has a bug report that it is 2x slower linking mozilla than fc2 but overall it seems like a good platform for building mozilla. I think the Foundation currently uses Fedora Core 2 on its Linux build machines

  10. I would say Fedora if you feel very uncomfortable.(mandrake is unstable, and suse very is nice, but its as bloated as windows and lacks a few commands, locate, find…)
    Slackware if you have any comfort whatsoever. Excellent package management. Very quick, quick and easy to install. The best middle way distro, feature filled, easily amoung the top 2-3 in stalibity, tons of the packages you need, quick, doesn’t bloat your apps or startup.
    If you have time and some decent linux expirance. Join the Gentoo club.Fast, highly configurable. You can build it around your needs, but it takes some time and a slight level of comfortness.

  11. > From Alex: Great suggestion. I don’t have that much hard drive space.
    My my, somebodies been @ the wit-flakes again 😉
    I’ve never had much luck with RPM based distros, they always seem to go wrong on me. If you’ve any vague plans on doing consulting, Fedora or RHEL would be top choices nontheless. Otherwise choose between debian, gentoo and slack. I have one machine running Mandrake and the rest (servers, desktops and the laptop I’m using now) are running slackware because it’s a well laid out distro and I compile most of my apps. Debian would make sense if you wanted a good selection of binary packages. Gentoo probably have regular ebuilds of Moz, which could make sense if you want to help out there.
    You may also want to get a bigger hdd 🙂

  12. No one should recommend Fedora to new people. New people are the most likely to try dual boots, and Fedora Core loves killing dual boots. And the development team doesn’t seem to care about that at all, not even posting a warning note in the Release Notes.
    Completely irresponsible.

  13. I would also say Gentoo is the best in this area. And installing it is not that hard as all is well documented. But it takes a very long time to compile everything and to set up all things to your likings. But when this is done it is fast to use and quick to update.
    BTW: Does anyone know if there is a Gentoo ebuild to build Mozilla, Firefox and Thunderbird right out of Mozilla.org CVS?

  14. If you’re considering Debian, but you just want things to work and you want to be able to upgrade to current application versions fairly often, then I’d suggest Ubuntu Linux.

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