Why aren’t we using Components.Exception?

Components.Exception on LXR

A long-standing custom in Mozilla code for XPCOM components in JavaScript is to throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE or something like it

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. However, Components.Exception is more useful, particularly since it lets us component authors define our own error messages to go with the error code. Plus, it’s been around for quite a while.

It’s actually pretty useful, I’ve found. I’m wondering if we should add this to a list of to-do’s for Mozilla 2.

SVG snap-to-grid, part two


I spent another six hours on this, and I’m fairly pleased with the results. The bulk of the code is now in a new SnapGrid.js library file

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. The features:

  • Keyboard- and mouse-driven commands
  • Step-by-step defining of an object (in this case, a line)
  • A semi-generic, objects-within-objects library design. (Doing it right is much harder than it looks, and I’m pretty sure I’m not doing it right!)
  • Of course, a nice big grid, and a nice big dot showing you where the snap-to-grid will snap to.

It’s another proof-of-concept, but this time for something much smaller than Verbosio. Hopefully, if I’ve designed it right, I can rapidly expand it to cover other shapes and, more importantly, the SVG path element…

SVG snap-to-grid, part one

Last night, I was thinking I’d really like to have a JavaScript-based SVG editor. There are some really freaking sweet examples out there. But there’s something missing from all of these, which surprises me in retrospect: SVG snap-to-grid support.

Freehand drawing is nice… unless you want precision. Sadly, the human hand (mine, at least) isn’t that accurate with distilling individual pixels. If I can get close enough with the mouse on a zoomed-in view, though, and I can see a grid indicating pixel coordinates, maybe the application can round off my mouse position to the nearest real point, and give me a visual indicator

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. Like this snap to grid example, which I put together in about two hours.

Right now, if you load the example, you can place a point by hitting a key on the keyboard. This is in keeping with the idea that controls should be accessible without the mouse. Unfortunately, I haven’t gotten into maneuvering points with key strokes. Nor have I factored in any kind of zoom & pan capabilities – linear algebra is not one of my strengths.

Over the next few days, I hope to turn this code into an actual class, similar to a Dojo-style library. I might even make it a XBL binding. Ultimately, by being able to precisely identify coordinates, I could plug coordinates directly into shapes such as SVG paths (Bezier curves made simple), rectangles, ellipses, etc. I could even build interfaces to create classes of polygons. (I want my <svg:triangle/>!)

You might wonder why I’d work on yet another SVG editor, when there are so many out there. There are two reasons. First I didn’t see any examples that would really be compatible with running inside a Mozilla framework, besides the ones above. They’re usually stand-alone apps. The examples above are exceptions to that rule, but (this is the second reason), the first two are not explicitly licensed under an open-source software license (no explicit license, and Creative Commons, respectively). Mark Finkle’s work is under the MIT License, but it’s HTML based. Nothing wrong with that. It just strikes me as unnecessary if the only platform you’re targeting is Mozilla. Mark’s targeting IE, too. My use case is simply different.

On the other hand, if I keep it as a JS-based constructor (instead of XBL), that would make it easier to port to other platforms, such as RichDraw.

Food for thought.

Venkman planning for Gecko 1.9, part 3

Thanks to Gijs and Mnyromyr (and not to me; I didn’t write a single line of code), Venkman’s met three of the six bullet points I listed in my initial Venkman planning post. It is now at least minimally useful for Gecko 1.9 code.

I would strongly encourage Firefox developers (and for that matter, most of us who hack on trunk) to launch the JavaScript Debugger at startup (command-line argument is -venkman), and turn on “Stop for Exceptions”. You’ll find a few pain points pretty quickly. My personal favorite looks something like this:

try {
var foo = myObj.property.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFoo);
} catch (e) {};

This code is wrong, in my opinion, on three levels:

  1. The empty catch block, which always annoys me. A comment saying “do nothing” would be better than that.
  2. No checking of what e is

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    . In this example, only one line is inside the try block, but you can’t tell if the QI failed, or if myObj is undefined. It could be the QI failure is expected, but if myObj being missing is a Bad Thing, that exception needs to propagate.

  3. A simple instanceof check removes the need to try and catch. If you can avoid generating an exception, then by all means do so. Exceptions like this are just useless (and probably expensive from a JSENG/XPConnect point of view). Exceptions should be thrown for exceptional circumstances.
var foo = (myObj.property instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIFoo) ? myObj.property : null;

I’m not intending to point fingers, but autocomplete in the URL bar is an extremely visible case of this being a problem for Venkman…

Time is running out for any of these changes we want to get into Firefox 3. If we’re fast enough, though, we can clean up a lot of these useless “noise” errors which discourage people from using Venkman – and thus make exceptions it catches more relevant to whatever problem the user is debugging.


Mozilla24 and the last mile

From the Mozilla 24 upcoming.org page:

Stanford is a 20 minute walk from the Palo Alto train station. Visit 511.org for details on public transit.


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. I looked on 511.org, and it suggests walking that distance. Too bad I don’t know my way around the University…

The northbound Caltrain arrives at Palo Alto Caltrain Station at 9:31 am, leaving San Jose Diridon at 9:00 sharp. The day pass from San Jose to Palo Alto and back is eight dollars.

So here’s what I want to do. Anyone going to Mozilla 24 @ Stanford by Caltrain from the South Bay, let’s meet in the northernmost car (the bike car, usually). I’ll be wearing a blue Firefox shirt and carrying my usual light blue laptop bag, boarding at Diridon. If you’re heading to the event by Caltrain, please reply here and join me. All we need is one person familiar with the University, and we can head off together. Otherwise, we can wait for the southbound train 30 minutes later and join up with our Franciscan colleagues, or we can ask a local for directions. 🙂

Verbosio goes on hiatus

With OpenKomodo coming, I think I should really put Verbosio on hold for the moment. Komodo’s capabilities bring so much to the table that I’d be a fool not to look at moving much of Verbosio’s infrastructure over to Komodo instead of XULRunner. This means learning another platform (not as much fun as you might think), seeing what API’s I can benefit from, and what I can contribute back. Making sure OpenKomodo works on trunk XULRunner will probably be one of my main goals (since Verbosio uses several trunk features).

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. It’s the kind of thing I’d want to throw a party for. I’ve been a big fan of ActiveState’s Komodo work ever since I was introduced to it at OSCON 2002. I kept thinking, “I want that!” Now, ActiveState is saying, “Here you go.” You just can’t beat that.

Verbosio’s on de facto hold anyway, as I’ve (once again) bitten off more than I can chew. If I could find a couple days uninterrupted, I’d be able to finish off the next piece of UI for it…

Nine days to Mozilla 24! Too bad we only get nine hours at the Stanford hall… anyone interested in hosting and/or joining me during the other fifteen for a hackathon?

Venkman planning for Gecko 1.9, part 2

Gijs Kruitbosch posted a nice summary of Venkman work coming up

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. I’m posting a link here so that it shows up on planet (apparently, the post didn’t show up here). We’d love to have help.

Venkman planning for Gecko 1.9, part 1

Over the last couple years, the Mozilla code base has evolved significantly on the trunk. Unfortunately, development on the JavaScript Debugger has not kept pace – the code has “bitrotted” significantly, and introduced significant bugs.

This is a serious problem. It’s equally serious that no one is hacking on it. I’ve found it to be a very useful tool for working on chrome code, and XULRunner apps would benefit from having a debugger handy.

So here’s what I want to do. I want to schedule a weekend meeting for 2 pm PDT Saturday at #venkman on moznet. The goal, as I see it, is to plan fixing Venkman so it is usable on the XULRunner 1.9 platform. (Getting it working on Firefox 3 would be a nice thing, too.) I want to see who’s willing to contribute hours (weeks, more likely) of coding and/or reviewing to this goal. In particular, I’m worried about trying to find out whatever API changes are needed in Venkman itself (not what API Venkman has to call) and getting them in before 1.9 branches.

Watch this space for more details; I’ll write up a draft plan for the meeting, so we have some things to think about.

UPDATE: So, here goes:

First thoughts – Venkman isn’t quite as bad off as I initially thought. I
tried to install a 1.8-based XPI on the 1.9 XULRunner build, and that didn’t
work very well at all. When I finally figured out how to build a Venkman

export CONFIGDIR=(...)/mozilla/config/
cd mozilla/extensions/venkman/xpi/
sh makexpi.sh

Everything seemed to be okay. Starting Venkman via
window.open("chrome://venkman/content/", "_blank", "chrome")
works. But it doesn’t take long to notice a few oddities.

  • I don’t have a main toolbar, where the “Play”, “Stop”, “Step” buttons
    used to be. (Though I do get them starting with -venkman in the command
  • Switching from Breakpoints to Call stack panel (lower left corner for
    both) doesn’t work. None of the two-tab tabboxes let me switch to the
    second tab.
  • The error reporting still gets the line number wrong by one. (This is
    probably a JavaScript
  • It’s still a little crash-happy. I’ve crashed twice in only a few
  • Venkman (as it always has) has a max of five source code tabs open at
    any given time. On Linux, if the file where you hit an error isn’t one of
    them, you don’t even see the source where it fails.
  • Building Venkman in the tree doesn’t produce a working debugger for XR
    apps – you need to drop a XPI into the app’s Addons Manager.

Ultimately, I think these are all fixable. The real problem, as I
mentioned earlier, is a lack of current contributors. Venkman, like
Inspector, has been neglected for quite a while. There are 136 open bugs
against Venkman right now. (Inspector’s been doing much better lately.) Looking at
extensions/venkman/resources/content/ right now, there are a lot
of “2006”, “2005”, “2004” files..

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. meaning that exactly one file has been
touched here in over eight months! 136 bugs + eight months bitrot means an
effectively unowned module – or a super-stable, frozen one. 🙂 Given the
fact this is on trunk, and the above very-obvious bugs, I’d say it isn’t the

So here’s what I propose: for 1.9.0, we need two or three chrome app
experts to spend a few days fixing the above issues, and reviewing patches.
Next, we need to go through the bug list and triage it, both for priority and
time constraints. If there are any IDL changes needed, those should go first
in the bug list because we’ll have a harder time getting such changes in
1.9.1. (There aren’t likely to be very many.) We should start planning for 1.9.1
– whatever it is – right away. For 1.9.0, I think we’re effectively in
maintenance mode – there’s too little time for big changes.

If we somehow find the time, (i.e. we decide that all the high-priority,
low-risk issues have been fixed, and we don’t want to chance further 1.9.0
changes), we should probably write a miniature XULRunner app with a known set
of bugs and start running Venkman against it. This becomes a “reference”
application for Venkman testing.

Reviews for new patches should emphasize both tests and JavaDoc’d
functions. I’d love to see some xpcshell tests of the jsd code which Venkman
depends on.

We need to start putting out “nightlies” of Venkman, and making them
available for trunk usage. The simplest way to do this might be a bit of
tinderbox adjustments. Fortunately, building a Venkman XPI takes only a few

So who’s willing to spend time on this? The good news is that Venkman’s code is mostly XUL + JS, so you don’t need C++ hacking skills to fix many of the bugs against Venkman.

Extensions for every XULRunner Application (and Firefox, and Thunderbird, and…)

With many thanks to Dave Townsend and Robert Strong for reviews, Mozilla trunk builds now support extensions for “the toolkit” – meaning any XULRunner app which uses the toolkit. This will also be true for the next milestone, and (barring something really unusual) Mozilla 1.9 and the next major XULRunner release.

I can think of several extensions which would be good candidates:

The bug for DOM Inspector has a pretty simple example of how you’d add support for the toolkit to an extension. It’s less than ten new lines, added to install.rdf.

There’s also a nice side benefit possible here: extensions for another application – say, Songbird – which don’t need to be for just that application could port easily over to Firefox with the toolkit target.

So what determines if an extension should be for “the toolkit”? First, you need module owner or author’s approval for that extension. 🙂 Second, it shouldn’t be specific to a given product or written for a given application – for instance, an extension for browser history doesn’t qualify. On the other hand, if it adds more tools (a new SQLite database, for example, or a spell-checking dictionary – thanks for the idea, KaiRo) or capabilities without requiring that the app be a browser, a mail client, a multimedia player, etc., then it should be fine.

I’d invite fellow developers to start experimenting with this, and generate feedback. Any bugs to add “the toolkit” as a supported application should be marked as depending on bug 299716. Also, any other missing support for toolkit extensions we need bugs on, depending on bug 299716. We need eyeballs!

P.S. Congratulations on document.elementFromPoint(x, y), Mr

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. Karel. That’s very useful, too.

Only in China…

(No offense to our Chinese readers or their communities is intended.)

There have been quite a few major storms lately. Erin has dropped to a tropical depression out in the Pacific. Hurricane Dean’s making a mess in the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. (Category 4

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. Oh, boy.) One storm we’re not hearing much about in the U.S.A., though, is Super Typhoon Sepat. It’s heading northwest, straight for the heart of China, with a pit stop in a rather controversial island. The Phillippines already took a hit from this one. (I call it a Super Typhoon because earlier stories rated it a Category 4, though right now I think it’s somewhere between 2 and 3. Still a monster, though.)

I was browsing around on Google News this morning before leaving for work, trying to find out a bit more. Most of the headlines were appropriately serious – but one of them didn’t make a whole lot of sense. From the Shanghai Daily: Typhoon Sepat to cool city over weekend

I’m sorry, but I burst out laughing when I saw that one. Only in China is a super typhoon considered good news.

(The story does mention the seriousness of the storm leading to closures and heavy weather preparations – but in the typical reverse-pyramid style of newswriting, lesser facts are put at the end of the story. As a former Journalist for the U.S. Navy, I can say this story is written that way. Apparently, the danger a massive storm brings is less important than shaving a couple degrees Celsius. Go figure.)

Alex Vincent’s ramblings about Mozilla technology, authoring, and whatever he feels like.