“Not Quite” Abacus 0.1

Abacus 0.1 Preview
There is still some work that needs to be done to this code to make it an 0.1 release. I have not yet gotten it to work in Mozilla Composer (more on that in a moment), and one of the more important features, adding a new annotation-xml with encoding and xml:lang attributes, is not developed fully yet.
Of course, there are some other issues, notably localization and MPL’ing the whole thing; my entire source code at this point is available upon request under the MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1, even if it doesn’t explicitly say so. I do not anticipate writing any Abacus code that is not offered under this scheme at the present time.
I’ll be writing documentation for the 0.1 release as well; I’m scrambling to release Abacus 0.1 for the Open Source Convention (which starts Monday, so…)
On Mozilla Composer: it’s going to be easy once I figure out how to write a Range.prototype.replaceContents() function. Seems the DOM-2 specification missed that… I need something like this in order to correctly replace a selection in the document being edited (which is rather important, in order to give Composer the same feel in replacing text and hypertext being edited as it has now).
Also, Nvu developers (Daniel Glazman, I hope you’re reading this!) should probably take note of the way I apply stylesheets in the overlays. That is how the Document Object Model says they should be applied, and with DOM-2 Events, I can control very precisely when they apply and when they don’t. When the user calls on a “save” or “save as” command, DOM-2 Events will let me remove the stylesheets before that command executes

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. This is very important, particularly for Composer extensions such as Abacus.
I have some strong opinions about Mozilla Composer; there are some aspects of the design I decidedly do not like, for the simple reason that to extend the current design in any significant way, you have to do your homework. Overlays like mine have a very tough time of following Composer’s rules. I’d love to have a shot at stating some design goals for a new set of rules…
Of course, I’d also love for someone to ask me to work for them at OSCON… 🙂
(In case you’re wondering why I would release a set of files prematurely, there’s two reasons. One, I need a backup set just in case all hell breaks loose between here and OSCON. Two, it’s about time I showed something to Mozilla enthusiasts everywhere for analysis and tinkering. It’s open-source for a reason!)

2 thoughts on ““Not Quite” Abacus 0.1”

  1. Eh!!!! A large part of nsHTMLEditorStyle.cpp, nsHTMLEditRules.cpp and even nsHTMLEditor.cpp are dedicated to that problem : style or remove the selection. It’s a *very* complex problem.

  2. I found in the news.mozilla.mathml group that there is another project which is related to abacus. See openmathedit in sourceforge. (in case you don’t know yet)

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