I need a bigger desk – or a better one.

A few days ago, I took my Windows desktop into the shop again – this time to pull the second hard drive (which had always been dedicated to Linux) and stick it into a new Linux computer. Dual-boot with Fedora Core didn’t work, and I’d never really used the Kanotix install on the second drive anyway, so I figured I just needed a new box.

So I’ve got it, and I’m rather pleased. Now I’ve got platform coverage on all three major Mozilla platforms for the trunk, and I don’t have to do any great acrobatics.

One small problem though: two desktops, two monitors, three keyboards, three mice, a Mac Mini, a MacBook, a router, and a cable modem take up an awful lot of space. I bought this cheap flat table from Office Depot a couple years ago, and now it’s pretty full. I’ve never known anyone to really make a computer desk especially for multiple computers… and I need one. 🙂

Oh, and Verbosio looks pretty good – but not perfect – on Fedora Core 6. Screenshots forthcoming… when I have something new to show.

UPDATE: A lot of people have replied saying, “Why don’t you try a KVM?” The answer is I have tried it before when I bought the Mac Mini

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. The picture degradation made it an instant bust.

Synergy I haven’t heard of, and I will take a look.

10 thoughts on “I need a bigger desk – or a better one.”

  1. Uh, get a KMM switch?
    (From Alex: I tried that once. I regretted it.)

  2. To cut down on the number of keyboards and mice, you need synergy — http://synergy2.sf.net/ . It’s really nice being able to move your mouse pointer of the edge of your windows desktop to your linux desktop, copy some text, move the mouse back to the windows box and paste. Too bad dragging application windows across OSes don’t work 🙂

  3. The desk I’m using now, I got at Office Depot a couple of years ago, and it works reasonably well for multiple computers. It’s a corner desk, with a space directly in front for a tower case to go, then above that plenty of room for two monitors on a riser. Then two wings off on each side.
    I’ve got my iMac and a second monitor up on the riser, a Mac SE off to my left that I use for various �ber-geeky stuff, and my Mac mini is to my right with its monitor on the right wing of the desk. The charging cradle for my wireless headphones sits on top of the mini.
    Occasionally I have a PC in the tower enclosure space, but right now I’m using it to store books because since Parallels came out, I haven’t had a real need for a physical PC.
    Works pretty well for me.

  4. Try using a KVM switch – at least for the keyboard & mouse, if not also the displays.

  5. If the KVM degrades the images on the monitor, then return it and get a better one. The one I’ve got is branded LinXcel. It’s a 4 port USB KVM, and it handles the 1920×1440 resolution that I use perfectly. On the other hand it’s not perfect, because it’s only got a single button. That means that to get to the previous computer you have to cycle through all of them. I went ahead and got it anyway, because at around $40 it was less expensive than the alternatives.
    I do agree with you though, image quality is paramount. There’s no point in using anything that hurts you in that department.
    Synergy is also a good way to go, especially if you want to keep both monitors.

  6. Another approach would be to use a remote desktop program of some sort to be able to use two of the machines on a single screen.
    For example, I have XDMCP enabled on a Ubuntu Linux box and have set it so that Nautilus doesn’t draw the desktop (it’s a setting in GConf). I connect to that machine using XMing on my Windows desktop, in rootless mode.
    The result is that I have a Windows taskbar at the bottom of the screen and a Gnome panel at the top. Launching something from the Gnome panel runs it on the Linux box, but sends the output to XMing on the Windows system. Two systems simultanteously available but using only one keyboard, mouse and monitor.
    I’ve done the same using XNest on a Mac to access a Linux box, but never needed to look into a rootless system on there.

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