W3C is getting busy

DOM Level 3 Events has been revived: Working Draft released

So has CSS 2.1: Working Draft updated

This is good stuff

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. Unfortunately, there’s not much to help me in determining what’s changed from the previous versions… can someone help me on that?

6 thoughts on “W3C is getting busy”

  1. Here’s a diff file for the CSS 2.1 update: http://nanobox.chipx86.com/xfer/2006-04-11/diff.txt
    It looks like the changes were mostly just cleaning up the spec, changing “CSS2” to “CSS 2” and so forth. A few sections are now noted to be non-normative. The non-normative HTML stylesheet appendix has been changed somewhat. Overall, I’m not seeing any big changes. It’s probably about ready to progress in its maturity level now.

  2. We’ve resolved over 150 issues since the last publication, so there’s definitely some substantive changes in there (although many of them are clarifications).

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