“Fires of Kuwait”

So I wandered over the local mall tonight, and found a movie store location closing

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. Everything’s 50% off, right? (60% if you get 4 or more CD/DVD’s.) I’m browsing around, and I do a double-take. One of the IMAX films I saw in high school is right in front of me: “Fires of Kuwait”.

Bargain aside, this is a terrific find for me. Oh, I could have bought it on Amazon if I really cared, but I barely remembered it. Except for how much I enjoyed watching it. It’s a good film.

So I buy it, bring it home and watch it. Inside there are two order forms from “Warner Explorations”, where I could order other DVD titles. Some of the titles they offer look interesting. Then I notice the expiration date, in bright yellow. “OFFER EXPIRES 4/1/02”

That tells at least how long ago the DVD was packaged. But if that’s an April Fool’s joke, it’s in pretty poor taste. I bought the DVD four years minus one day after its coupons had expired.
