Just when things start to look good…

My new best friend, smaug ;-), posted a serious cleanup of DOM events code recently (see bug 234455 for details), thus allowing me to considerably simplify a patch for a bug that’s blocked me on Verbosio for months (bug 201236). That one looks like it’s going to be finished up fairly soon, too, so I was a happy camper.

Until this evening. Since Verbosio potentially can edit XUL applications, I figured I’d try a new approach: start with your most basic XUL editor possible

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. Specifically, a textbox and a script to take that textbox’s contents, and replace the source code of the document with the textbox’s value. The idea was to see if I could start to slowly build a more complex editor using the basic editor itself as I went.

That didn’t work, for one simple reason: I couldn’t get the source code of the script inside the XUL document. So I did a little digging, and discovered there were no child nodes for the script element…

*insert ex-sailor’s swearing here*

Bug 330426. I’m back where I started — worse, actually, since this is in a part of the code where I have no references to compare to. Other than the DOM specs, and they’re the only justification I have for filing a bug.