Bugzilla knows pi to six digits

Bug 3.14159

<Neil> just our luck it's a dup :-(

(Note: Please don’t spam the bug with comments, or extra cc’s. Spam here

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. Otherwise, bmo admins are not going to be happy.)

9 thoughts on “Bugzilla knows pi to six digits”

  1. Hmm, you mention not to spam the bug, but that’s exactly what you did! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    (From Alex: I just wanted to make a quick pointer, that’s all.)

  2. Physician,
    “(Note: Please don’t spam the bug with comments, or extra cc’s. Spam here. Otherwise, bmo admins are not going to be happy.)”
    heal thyself:
    “Hm, pi in the sky. 3.14159…”
    All the same, pretty neat.
    (From Alex: Oh, give me a break. I just wanted to avoid fifteen billion useless comments to the bug. I’ll gladly take those useless comments here.)

  3. Semi-related note: there does not seem to be a bug 666, despite the existance of bugs 665 and 667. Does Firefox have “Free from the mark of the beast” on the product page as one its selling points? : ).

  4. e was also a dupe (and apparently went unnoticed).
    (From Alex: We’ve known about pi a lot longer.)

  5. Alex, my favorite “pi” is your Aunt Joyce’s tart lemon meringue… Sorry you won’t be here for Thanksgiving. With good fortune, we will share 3.1416 variations of “pi” that day.

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