Windowless XUL documents?

I’m hitting an interesting problem for Verbosio. Specifically, I can’t figure out how to take a XUL file and convert it to a XUL document.

I’ve considered several ideas so far:

  1. Inline frame. I would need a new frame for each XUL document I want, and could never unload them. Node.cloneNode is not supported for XUL documents, so I’d be stuck with the original document in a frame appended to the master document. Ugly, especially with regard to events dispatched to it frequently.
  2. document.implementation.createDocument(XUL_NS, "xul:window", null). Unfortunately, this returns a XMLDocument, not a XULDocument.
  3. DOMParser.parseFromString(source, "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml"). This won’t work because the XUL content-type isn’t supported by DOMParser, and besides, it relies on document.implementation.
  4. document.cloneNode(false). See bug 42976, which no one’s done anything on.

Anyone else have good ideas? I really don’t want to hack DOMImplementation right now, or implement cloneNode for XULDocument…

Background: This is about the need to edit documents containing XUL widgets (typically XUL documents). I could go with XMLDocument, but the results might be a bit hard to predict

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. On the other hand, I would want any XUL overlay processing instructions to be present, but not active. So I’m not sure what the right thing to do is here.

UPDATE: Thanks, Mr. Ross! That was yet another trick I did not know about! My quick tests from Venkman shows it works beautifully. There’s a lot of interesting code there.

2 thoughts on “Windowless XUL documents?”

  1. Do you mean something like this function?
    * Insert an XML string in a XML/XUL document
    * @param {XML Element} node
    * @param {string} sxml The XML string
    * @param {bool} isXul Indicate if the string is a XUL XML
    * @param {bool} insertBefore Indicate if the XML should be appended or inserted before the XML element
    * @return bool
    * Thanks to Zero (
    function innerXML(node,sxml,isXUL,insertBefore) {…}

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