Quick test followup: Here’s Why

You guys rock, you know that? I posted the test request an hour ago, and already I have enough conclusive evidence to file a bug.
Here’s the situation.
I’m developing a XBL binding to do what Venkman (ye handy dandy JavaScript Debugger) does with floating panes, except it won’t create new windows every time. So, I want to use global toolkit icons for the various pieces of the widget. I would use the Close.gif image I asked you about to hide a pane from the user.
In SeaMonkey for Windows, chrome://global/skin/icons/close.gif works. It doesn’t work for Mozilla Firefox 1.0.6 (WinXP). The URL I gave you, with a capital C, works for both SeaMonkey and Firefox.
This sort of discrepancy is not good for developers. I’m actually surprised both worked in SeaMonkey. But I needed to know if it would work across the board… and you’ve proven that it won’t.
I don’t want to spend my whole time creating theme-specific stylesheets. Global is global is global. I’m filing a bug very shortly on this. I’m not filing because Close.gif doesn’t work..

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. I’m filing because I don’t have a consistent choice to rely on.
Thanks, everyone!
UPDATE: I’ve filed Bug 303974 based on your feedback. Anyone want a “good first bug” to create a patch for?

One thought on “Quick test followup: Here’s Why”

  1. Note that anything starting with ‘chrome://*/skin/’ is provided by the current selected theme. There are not garantees what should by provided by that theme. The theme will generally provided at least the items referred to directly by the standard applications such as ‘browser.css’, ‘menu.css’, etc.
    Any hard references to images should be prevented at all. Better is to use ‘class’ to style your items. If you use for example ‘.tabs-closebutton’ you will get the same look at the standard tab closebutton…
    So, not only there are differences between Mozilla Suite and Firefox, also between the standard themes, but also between other themes.
    So, do not rely on ‘chrome://*/skin/*.gif” etc…

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