Doing God’s work — but only if you’re not Catholic
Gee, thanks. Glad I could not be of service

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UPDATE: Oh, now I can!

8 thoughts on “Doing God’s work — but only if you’re not Catholic”

  1. This is especially galling since Catholics are known for their religious tolerance towards other religions and branches of Christianity.
    ….oh man, I almost typed that with a straight face.
    Considering how intolerant the Catholic Church is towards other religions, I’m not sure its members have a reason to be indignant.
    (I realize that many individual Catholics surely *do not* share Rome’s intolerant views)

  2. So are you arguing that there are no significant theological differences between Catholicism and Protestantism? If you do think there are significant differences, why is their position unreasonable?
    (From Alex: I’m not saying there aren’t differences — but that the differences aren’t enough to exclude a family from being generous.)

  3. While I won’t say what they are doing is right or wrong, I don’t believe Catholic “christians” and christians are compatible. For example the article quotes, “…it should be OK to open your home to us as a family.”
    Well I don’t believe catholics are part of the christian family. They are two totally different relegions.
    For example the Bible says that Jesus Christ is now our high priest. Yet Catholics think for some reason they need human priests.
    The Bible says God will judge all, and cast all the ungodly (those who turned away from the blood of Christ) into the lake of fire.
    Somehow Catholics believe you can buy your friends way our of hell. Or purgatory.
    I hope you can see that Catholics either have their own Bible, or don’t believe it.
    The two religions are simply not compatible, even if they claim the same God. My God is righteous while yours lets himself me swayed by money.

  4. well as a Catholic it makes a change to read about my church being excluded rather than excluding. You reap what you sow.

  5. Guys, let me be clear. I’m opposed to this because it puts religious beliefs above those who need help.
    Kind of like the situation described in the New Testament, where the chief priests had created all these rules, and Jesus went forth and reminded them of the basic principles.
    If it was a Catholic charity opposing placing children in a Baptist or Lutheran or Episcopalian family, I’d be just as opposed. This is just wrong.

  6. “I’m opposed to this because it puts religious beliefs above those who need help.”
    “those who need help” — Who needs help? The adults? Not primarily. It’s the children. The agency is serving THE CHILDREN, first and foremost. And this Christian agency believes it would be doing a disservice to send children into the hands of parents who practice a form of Roman paganism.
    The couple in Jackson is not being denied anything. They can go to one of the several other adoption centers in Mississippi if they want.
    (From Alex: I’m not denying this at all. Yes, it’s the children who need help — and it’s those in the adoption center who are putting their own personal creed above actually placing the children among families that can care for them.
    Roman paganism? I think you’re going a bit too far with that claim.)

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