Trekkie Anime

Anyone who knows me really well knows I’m a pretty big fan of Star Trek, although not the type to go to conventions. (Or at least, I’ve never gone out of my way to visit one.) I even submitted a story to the Strange New Worlds VIII contest, although it was rejected – and thankfully, not for technical reasons. (For those who wonder, the title was “Peanuts, Popcorn, Hasperat!”. I’ll give my fellow fans one guess what it referred to.)

When I was growing up, I remember watching the Nickelodeon channel, in particular for episodes of Star Trek: The Animated Series. As with the other Star Trek series, I’d never seen all the episodes in the series, nor had I had the opportunity to do so. Thank goodness for DVD’s, even if they do come twenty years late!

Today, I wandered into the local comics shop (where I’ve been picking up issues of Battlestar Galactica comics – thank you, Ron Moore, for endorsing that). I’d seen the Animated Series on the shelf before, but I didn’t buy it then

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. I bought it today, and I’m finally getting to see episodes of this classic, semi-canon series for the first time since I was a young teenager.

Personally, I’ve always felt that the animated series completed the Enterprise‘s original five-year mission. The original series ran for three seasons, which translates to about three years (something which later series have confirmed, as we watched Wil Wheaton and then Cirroc Lofton grow up on screen). Today, I discovered ST:TAS lasted two seasons. Three plus two equals five. A nice coincidence (even if that very last season only had six episodes in it). Of course, I’m not counting the books, of which I have dozens.

Sadly, I don’t get to feel like a kid again. I’m watching the new episodes, and while I enjoy them, my ears and other senses are picking up on little things that I didn’t notice two decades ago.

Now this is just a thought from a fan, but I’d like to hear Scott Bakula, Jolene Blalock, John Billingsley, etc., etc. (and yes, Jeffrey Combs) get together and do a few seasons of Enterprise as an animated series. Putting aside the rather excellent book, “The Good That Men Do” by Andy Mangels & Michael A. Martin, there seemed to be no shortage of ideas when Enterprise ended.

Judith? Garfield? Please?

Verbosio progress, 04/11/2007

The goal is in sight… literally.

A few days ago, I checked in another viewing extension to Verbosio, one that shows you what the document would really look like. It’s not editable yet – it’s just an iframe – but at least now you can see what your changes do to your document. (No screenshots yet – what’s so pretty about an iframe?)

It also means I’m finally done writing mostly component code and now I can get back to writing mostly chrome code. I can finally make Verbosio into an editing application instead of a clunky DOM Inspector clone. 🙂

I’m working now on integrating my markup template system with the visual rendering. Just this evening I landed sample code from the experimental branch to mark a starting point. I’m also beginning to figure out a little more clearly what Verbosio and its extensions need from each other.

Already I’m thinking about a Verbosio 0.1 alpha 1 release in the near future (read: within a few weeks). I will have a very tough time deciding what makes 0.1a1 and what should come later, though.

The changelog since March 7, 2007 is in the extended entry.

Continue reading Verbosio progress, 04/11/2007

Verbosio progress, 04/07/2007

When a XML editor finishes messing with DTD’s, the next thing which comes to mind is entity references (&foo;). In the case of Mozilla code, these entity references don’t exist: the XML parsing code replaces the entity ref with the appropriate source code from the DTD. So the DOM in Mozilla never actually sees entity references.

This is a major problem for Verbosio

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. As a XML editor, it must know where a XML document uses entity references. With that knowledge, Verbosio can then provide a user-interface which guides people to editing the DTD entity underneath the entity ref.

What makes it more interesting is that Mozilla really has no effective code for entity references in DOM. Try var foo = document.createEntityReference("bar");. You’ll find out that, even if there is no declared <!ENTITY bar "...">, no error will be thrown; instead, foo is null.

How can Verbosio work around this? At present, I have an imperfect solution, a XML “entity manager”. Read on if you have any interest.

Continue reading Verbosio progress, 04/07/2007

WYSIWYG for multiple XML languages?

Just a few moments ago, I noticed a post in for a WYSIWYG MathML editor. If you factor in tools like TinyMCE for HTML editing, and Mark Finkle’s SVG RichDraw tool, you can’t help but be amazed, as I am. (No word on the licensing behind the MathML tool; I’ve just asked in the newsgroup.)

Just to see efforts like this for individual languages impresses me greatly. Plus, since they work in web pages, there’s no reason they can’t work in chrome pages. Web pages operate under a lot more restrictions than chrome.

How nice it would be to integrate all of these into a common platform, so that you’d have WYSIWYG XHTML + MathML + SVG!

This is precisely the sort of thing I’m building Verbosio for: people who develop great tools for individual markup languages could drop them into Verbosio as extensions and have them working together

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. That’s the vision behind my Verbosio work.

Where’s WYSIWYG in Verbosio? A little ways off. I don’t think true WYSIWYG will make Verbosio 0.1, although I’d very much want it; I simply have to concentrate on minimal functionality first. (I have other editing-what-you-see plans first.)

All the same, I’d love to start a community discussion between these individual projects and see what I can do to integrate these tools and help them.

My hat’s off to all of you.

Copying objects to an application’s clipboard

The system clipboards Mozilla offers to XULRunner apps restricts us to primitive values: strings, numbers, etc. (I haven’t yet figured out how they store images, but that’s another discussion.) If you’re trying to copy a DOM node to the operating system’s clipboard, you quickly find out it’s not that easy.

Since Verbosio’s a XML editor, heavily reliant on the DOM, what am I supposed to do? Well… I cheated. Read on for more details.

UPDATE: A few commenters have suggested I have erred. I’d really appreciate someone coming up with some sample code to demonstrate a better way, using the native clipboard. (I may or may not use it, but it’s nice to know.)

Continue reading Copying objects to an application’s clipboard

Never trust a software geek with a vacuum cleaner

Heading into the Mountain View Dev Day this weekend, where I expect to be fairly serious,
I’m going to allow myself a bit of levity and offer a true story of cluelessness
which would make Tim Allen (“What is the headlight for on that thing, anyway?”)
proud – and maybe even Jeff Foxworthy.

Ah, the rigors of bachelor life…

Continue reading Never trust a software geek with a vacuum cleaner

Design by contract in JavaScript, part 3: XPCOM class invariants

In the last DBC-JS article, I wrote about precondition and postcondition support for JavaScript in general. At the time, I lamented the inability to implement any kind of invariant checking. Today, I created a way to implement class invariants for JavaScript-based XPCOM components, courtesy of’s nsIScriptableInterfaceInfo
interface. (A class invariant is something that must be true when public methods finish executing without errors, in my interpretation.)

Read on for more details, including why it can’t work reliably for non-component JS.

Continue reading Design by contract in JavaScript, part 3: XPCOM class invariants

Verbosio progress, 03/10/2007

I wouldn’t normally post again so soon, except that I have finally fixed Verbosio bug 16341. A little string replacement, and I’m finally able to generate a clean DOM.

Thanks to Ben Bucksch, who was willing to give up a bit of sleep to help me decide what to work on next. That would be clipboard operations – copying being the more difficult one, because that would mean copying nodes

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. It’s not as glamourous as other ideas I have to work on, but it is necessary.

Verbosio progress, 03/07/2007

Robert Sayre recently told me DTD’s are just about useless. I disagree: they’re worse than useless – at least, the way Mozilla deals with them. 🙂

Specifically, the only thing Mozilla code really uses DTD’s for is chrome localizations of labels, accesskeys, etc. But if you’re dealing with chrome:// URL’s in the XUL application you’re editing, you really don’t want cross-contamination from the editor’s own chrome files. Factor in DTD’s calling on and loading other DTD’s, and you have the beginnings of a royal mess.

It’s a mess of my own making, though, because I want a complete object model for the XML documents I edit, not just the source code. Also, Mozilla’s use of DTD’s is appropriate for 99% of current uses; I just happen to require a bit more careful handling. It’s the price I pay, although hacking around it required two whole weeks for me to figure out…

More in the extended entry.

Continue reading Verbosio progress, 03/07/2007

Verbosio progress, 02/24/2007

The logjam has officially broken. This week, I spent most of my time adding little usability features (like opening a file when you double-click on it in a directory tree) and doing some behind-the-scenes clean-up of the code.

I also added a new feature which any XUL developer should find interesting: a chrome directory viewer. This is different than Gijs Kruitbosch’s Chrome List extension, in that mine examines the chrome registry of an outside application, and lists alternate locales & skins as well. (Not that there’s anything wrong with Chrome List; Firefox extension developers should take a good look at it.)

To do this, I added yet another Verbosio interface, for xeIChromeDocumentPack. Whether I needed this interface or not isn’t entirely clear; I didn’t find any other interface on which matched the needs.

As I’m still waiting for (they’ve planned it for 2nd Quarter 2007), I really lost track of all the changes I’d done this week

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. The list, harvested from cvs log and in the extended entry, is rather impressive, even to me.

Coming up: support for editing DTD’s, virtual:// revisited, and a fix for a Verbosio data loss bug.

Continue reading Verbosio progress, 02/24/2007

Alex Vincent’s ramblings about Mozilla technology, authoring, and whatever he feels like.