Hello World

Welcome, everybody, to my two bytes on mozilla.org. I’m here mainly to talk about my experiences working with DOM Inspector and with documentation.
Sometimes you’ll catch useful tidbits on how to do this or that in Mozilla. I have a section on XUL, XBL, JS and the DOM set aside for revelations along those lines.
Sometimes you’ll see me commenting about DOM Inspector, which is far and away my favorite tool in the suite. I’m trying to do a lot of enhancements to its code, give it functionality it’s never seen before. It’s going to be “sweet”, to quote bz.
Sometimes you’ll see me talking about issues facing documentation on mozilla.org — which I think is so far doomed right now that you need to send in the Marines. Docs has some serious issues facing it — beyond just asking people to write docs. Gerv may disagree with me on that, but I’m trying to convince him and others that we really need to just have a massive focus/push on getting documentation’s issues resolved well enough to get momentum going.
And then every now and then you’ll see me talking nonsense in the “Technobabble” section

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. But not too often. Well, maybe during baseball season (go Mariners).
Alex Vincent
author, JavaScript Developer’s Dictionary (Sams Publishing, 2002)
moderator, XML forum @ www.codingforums.com