Back to Basics: Why write components in C++?

A year or so ago, I introduced the ArrayConverter
to Verbosio, and tried to get it into code. The idea
was simple: a JavaScript library for converting between native JavaScript
arrays, XPCOM arrays, nsIArray objects and nsISimpleEnumerator
objects. Although it did not get in, I’ve been rethinking half of the
ArrayConverter module’s functionality, and I believe now that I
overlooked something.

I planned on writing two different articles – one talking about
reinventing the wheel unnecessarily, and another talking about why I, a
JavaScript expert, would choose to write XPCOM components in C++. It turns
out, though, that each of these has roughly the same answer: the penalties of
XPConnect. Read on for
further details.

If you’ve got the data structure already, don’t redo it

In ArrayConverter.jsm, I essentially wrote an entirely
JavaScript-based implementation of nsIArray. Because
nsIArray requires a complete implementation of
nsISimpleEnumerator, I implemented that too. All in all, it took
me about 80 lines, with comments, to implement this. (I did not implement the
nsIMutableArray interface.)

In doing so, I bypassed the pre-existing array implementation.
Perhaps it wasn’t so much overlooking the original implementation as wishing
to preserve a read-only array – but if that was the case, (as I discussed in
a previous article) then I was just missing the point. Perhaps I simply
wanted to understand how the code worked, to provide a baseline to compare
against the original. Whatever the reason, it was a mistake.

Mozilla code has a very basic and fully functional nsIArray
for generic use already:

var arr = Components.classes[";1"]

I could probably reduce that 80 lines of code to just ten, by reusing
what’s already there.

The XPConnect Performance Tax

It’s generally accepted that JavaScript does not run nearly as fast as
precompiled C++ code (although thankfully that’s
But that’s not the only penalty you pay for using JavaScript.

You see, when one C++ component talks to another, here’s what the stack
looks like between the two:

  1. C++ callee
  2. XPCOM bridge
  3. C++ caller

When JavaScript comes into play, so does XPConnect, whose sole purpose is
to convert between C++ function calls and JavaScript function calls. For
JavaScript calling into C++ (think document.getElementById()),
here’s the local stack:

  1. C++ callee
  2. XPCOM bridge
  3. XPConnect
  4. JavaScript caller

Hidden in that XPConnect layer are a few other “hidden fees” – security
checks, argument type checking, etc. Jason Orendorff wrote a good article on
these fees and how he’s improved on this with “quick
in Mozilla Firefox 3.1.

When C++ wants to call on a JavaScript component, the local stack is

  1. JavaScript callee
  2. XPConnect
  3. XPCOM bridge
  4. C++ caller

I don’t know what precisely happens in this XPConnect layer, other than
translating the arguments from C++ to JavaScript – I don’t know if it goes
through any security checks or not. But it would make sense, in the case of
one JavaScript calling another JavaScript component:

  1. JavaScript callee
  2. XPConnect
  3. XPCOM bridge
  4. XPConnect
  5. JavaScript caller

That’s right, folks – XPConnect converts the arguments going out from the
caller, and converts the arguments back going into the callee. What’s more,
this doesn’t include any of the “stack unwinding” steps – processing the
returned value from a JavaScript function, exceptions thrown (converted to a
nsresult and then into a nsIException object). Nor
does it include the security checks that I talked about earlier. It quickly
adds up.

In an ideal world, I would personally prefer this:

  1. JavaScript callee
  2. XPConnect
  3. JavaScript caller

I don’t know anyone working on that model, though, and I’m sure someone
will be quick to tell me that CAPS code – or something else – makes this less
than feasible.

So how does that apply to ArrayConverter?

Remember, I implemented nsIArray in JavaScript. So let’s
assume I want to get element 4 from the array. (Note that this is largely a
guess, and I could be wrong about quite a few steps here – so take
everything you read in this list with skepticism

var x = arr.queryElementAt(4,

  • XPConnect looks up the Components.interfaces object, and
    then the Components.interfaces.nsISupports object.
  • XPConnect gets a request for the queryElementAt method of
    arr. Bear in mind arr is not an object this
    JavaScript implements, but is a XPCOM component. So XPConnect has to look
    up the method.
  • Presumably, we’ve already asked arr whether it’s a
    nsIArray or not through QueryInterface.
  • XPConnect finds the queryElementAt method, and asks
    permission to call that method.
  • CAPS does some checks (including, I think, an extra
    QueryInterface call), and agrees.
  • XPConnect begins converting arguments. First, it converts
    4 (a raw JavaScript number) to a PRUint32.
  • Then, it converts the returned
    Components.interfaces.nsISupports back into its native IID
  • It creates another argument to hold the “retval”, or return value, from
    the XPCOM method.
  • It calls into the XPCOM pointer for the method. This is the start of
    the XPCOM bridge.
  • XPCOM has the pointer for the array – and guess what – it’s a XPConnect
    wrapper. Back to XPConnect we go.
  • XPConnect converts the first two arguments back into a JavaScript
    number and an interface pointer.
  • XPConnect clears the third argument (the “retval”) and calls the
    JavaScript queryElementAt implementation with the converted
    first two arguments.
  • The nsIArray implementation does its work (including a
    QueryInterface call on the element it’s about to return –
    more XPConnect-XPCOM-C++ cycles, probably).
  • The nsIArray method returns the desired object.
  • XPConnect observes no error message (this time).
  • XPConnect receives the returned object and does a
    QueryInterface on it to make sure it’s the right type, then
    assigns it to the retval. (Don’t forget the addref it does for
  • XPConnect exits back to the XPCOM bridge, with a return code of
    NS_OK (no error thrown)
  • XPCOM returns the call to the first XPConnect caller, which is
    expecting the retval pointer has been set and addrefed.
  • XPConnect checks the return code it gets, sees NS_OK, and
    converts the retval back to a JavaScript-wrapped pointer.
  • XPConnect returns the pointer into JavaScript, and JavaScript assigns
    the value to the variable x.

Ouch. With C++ talking to C++, it’s:

  • Dereference the nsCOMPtr, if you have one
  • Call the method.
  • Component calls QueryInterface() on the value it’s about
    to return
  • Component sets the retval pointer and addrefs it, and then returns
  • Caller checks the return code (optional, but highly recommended)
  • Caller looks up the retval pointer it passed in.

That’s the XPConnect performance tax, in a nutshell. Now, I’m not saying
XPConnect is bad – far from it – but that a JavaScript-based implementation
of nsIArray is at a huge disadvantage. After all, it’s doing its
own QueryInterface call, which is a second layer of
XPConnect cycles altogether. For something this basic, XPConnect and
JavaScript are relatively expensive… especially given that there’s
already a native implementation of XPCOM arrays available that won’t pay the
XPConnect performance tax.

Now, JavaScript does have two significant advantages over C++ when it
comes to components: JavaScript code is usually shorter and easier to read by
humans, and it’s much harder to cause a crash in JavaScript
than in C++. I’m not referring to calls into components that themselves crash
– but in executing the component itself. You have to go out of your way to
crash in JavaScript. With C++, all it takes is one little mistake. C++
makes it possible to crash, while JavaScript doesn’t give you a hold on
anything to crash with.
This reflects another trend I’ve noticed – that
crashes happen not just because the code is buggy and broken, but because
the language itself allows crashes to happen. (This last sentence
could lead to another article I’ve been thinking about.)

Still, for simple data structures, if it already exists in C++, there’s no
reason to rewrite it in JavaScript. All you do when you do that is waste time
– both yours in writing the code, and that of the computer that has to
execute your code. Which, ultimately, is the user’s time.

For more complex components, I’d largely agree with everyone else and say
that JavaScript would probably be a better choice going forward.

For new data structures that don’t already exist… that’s up to you.
Again, though, if it’s simple, you may as well write it in C++… and write
your tests in the xpcshell JavaScript test harness. That’s what
I’ve done for another component I’ll soon be talking about.

Personally, I hope someone would seriously look at reducing XPConnect’s
load for JavaScript-to-JavaScript component conversations. There may be a
good performance gain to find there too. Enough about performance today
though (I apologize for bringing no hard data to back up my claims). The next
article will talk about my thoughts on ECMAScript Harmony, and what I think
JavaScript 2 means for XPIDL.

Thanks for reading!

2 thoughts on “Back to Basics: Why write components in C++?”

  1. Perhaps the introduction of Javascript Code Modules will make Javascript-to-Javascript XPCOM communication almost unnecessary. I know I was very thankful of being able to get rid of XPCOM when working on the most recent extension I co-authored (
    (From Alex: Don’t bet on it. The trend these days is for more components to be written in JS, not less – and XPCOM does offer strong types, which JS modules don’t.)

  2. Thanks for pointing that out about nsIMutableArray. I was also looking at making my own implementation.
    We really need a MDC doc page I think about essentials of JavaScript developers needing to know to interact with XPCOM; QueryInterface, etc.
    Anyhow, thanks!

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