Back to Basics: XPCOM Arrays and Memory

A couple weeks ago, I started reading “Learning Python”, by
Mark Lutz. It’s an interesting feeling, going back to the basics of
programming – numbers, strings, arrays, etc. In reading this book, I kept
thinking there were some things missing from the basic XPCOM tool set.
Therefore, I decided to attempt implementing these missing pieces.

Now, I could be totally wrong about any or all of these being missing…
but it’s also a good exercise for me to push my boundaries and strengthen my
C++ skill set. The result is not only code that I can use for
proof-of-concept, but code that may be useful elsewhere.

This is the first article in a multipart series titled “Back to Basics”,
exploring these concepts. This first article is about native C++ arrays
through XPCOM – and making sure I don’t leak memory. Read on in the extended
entry for details.

The problem: Verbose code

In XPIDL, you define an interface for an array like this:

void getValues(out PRUint32 count,
[array, size_is(count), retval] nsIFoo values);

In C++, this looks a little like:

nsBar::GetValues(PRUint32 *count,
nsIFoo ***values)
PRUint itemCount = mValues.Length();
nsIFoo** retval = nsMemory::Alloc(itemCount * sizeof(nsIFoo*));
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
retval[i] = mValues[i];
/* Other operations may be here which return early, without freeing
the above memory.  In other words, these other operations may
inadvertently cause several leaks - retval, plus the members of
mValues (because their reference count has been increased).
*count = itemCount;
*values = retval;
return NS_OK;

There are several steps that happen this approach:

  • We allocate the memory ourselves
  • We set the return values as two separate lines, ourselves
  • We addref the return values ourselves
  • Oh, and if we return early, we either must free the allocated memory
    and release the reference counts ourselves… or we leak.
  • NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) and
    NS_ENSURE_TRUE(foo, NS_ERROR_WHATEVER) are great ways to
    cause leaks here.
  • By the time we’re done handling all the early returns, the code has
    gotten much, much larger and harder to read.

I step back and ask, “Is that all necessary?”

My solution: A local memory-handling class

It’d be a lot easier to just write something like:

nsBar::GetValues(PRUint32 *count,
nsIFoo ***values)
PRUint itemCount = mValues.Length();
nsresult rv;
// XXX This is pseudo-code, and will not necessarily compile!!
MemoryManager mem(nsIFoo*, itemCount, rv);
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
mem.setIndex(i, mValues[i]);
mem.Finalize(count, values);
return NS_OK;

This has several advantages:

  • The mem object is responsible for memory allocation and
  • The mem object provides a simple API for setting members
    (and presumably takes care of reference counting)
  • The mem object provides a simple API for setting the
    return values from nsBar::GetValues – specifically, the
    number of items, and the pointer to the item array.
  • Best of all, when GetValues exits, the
    mem object destructor executes.
  • This is a key difference between C++ and
    JavaScript – JavaScript objects don’t have the concept of destructors
    (and thus, code that runs before they disappear into garbage

Fortunately, all this is possible with C++. I implemented a pair of
template classes, nsMemoryArray
and nsMemoryRefArray
. With these template classes, the above
code looks like:

nsBar::GetValues(PRUint32 *count,
nsIFoo ***values)
PRUint itemCount = mValues.Length();
nsresult rv;
nsMemoryRefArray<nsIFoo*> mem(itemCount, rv);
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
mem.setIndex(i, mValues[i]);
mem.Finalize(count, values);
return NS_OK;

How it works

  1. The nsMemoryRefArray<nsIFoo*> declaration defines
    the class via a template.
  2. The mem constructor takes the itemCount and
    allocates a private nsIFoo** pointer with size
    itemCount * sizeof(nsIFoo*). That means it can be an array
    holding itemCount number of nsIFoo* values.
  3. Through mem.setIndex(), members of the private
    nsIFoo pointer array are set – and “addref’ed” (their
    reference counts go up by one).
  4. Should GetValues() exit early, the mem
    destructor executes, “releasing” the addref’ed items and freeing the
  5. Otherwise, in mem.Finalize(), the count and
    values pointers are appropriately set – and a private
    boolean indicates the mem object no longer needs to worry
    about memory.
  6. GetValues() exits.
  7. In the mem destructor, the private boolean from
    Finalize() means do not free the memory or release any
    addref’ed items.

What if your array of objects doesn’t have reference counting? No

nsBar::GetValues(PRUint32 *count,
PRUint32 **values)
PRUint itemCount = mValues.Length();
nsresult rv;
nsMemoryArray<PRUint32> mem(itemCount, rv);
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
mem.setIndex(i, mValues[i]);
mem.Finalize(count, values);
return NS_OK;

Here, I made one significant change – I declared mem as a
different type. XPIDL required a different argument set in the
GetValues() definition, but other than that, the code is
essentially identical.

Practical applications

A quick search on turns up several
promising candidates
. In particular, I notice nsConsoleService::GetMessageArray
and several
of nsIClassInfo::GetInterfaces.
If my nsMemoryArray.h file were to pass reviews and the “sniff
test”, it’d probably be worth using to clean these up.

I also notice there’s very few C++-based components which
implement native arrays (other than the nsIClassInfo::GetInterfaces one). The
nsMemoryArray.h helpers would probably lower the barrier for
such components. (Yes, I know, C++ is falling out of favor as a language for
XPCOM components… but I’ll deal with that in a later article.)

Thanks for reading!

2 thoughts on “Back to Basics: XPCOM Arrays and Memory”

  1. The strangest thing is that such classes do not exist since a long time.
    They’re a required first step for RAID conformant code. Not only this is required in order to use exceptions, it’s a strongly better way to code.
    So there will be less XPCOM component in the code than there’s now, but 100% of what will stay *needs* to be rewriten in this style.
    (From Alex: I have no idea what “RAID conformant” means. But I disagree with the premise you make
    that classes like these don’t exist. Reference nsCOMPtr, nsTArray for examples.)

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