Help Wanted – at work

Generally speaking, when I post requests for help on my blog, it’s for some little bug that has me stumped. This time, it’s for something longer-term.

The company I work for, DVC Labs, wants Mozilla experts. Simply put, we’re swamped right now and will be for the foreseeable future

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. We’re also pushing the boundaries of what Mozilla can do, with an interesting twist that I can’t talk about publicly. (Start-up life. You know how it is…)

So if you happen to be a Mozilla developer frustrated with where you’re at right now, or you’re looking for one of those once-in-a-hundred-years, win-the-lottery types of deals (I won’t go so far as to claim “Google-IPO” type of deal… I’m not that brash), ring my company phone. I’ll pass it on to my supervisor, and we’ll go from there.

(E-mail removed, as I only got one actual response and a couple dozen spam since.)

One thought on “Help Wanted – at work”

  1. Instead of posting your real phone number, you should think about posting a pass-through number instead — such as can be provided through Currently, it lets you get a free, callable number which forwards to your home/business/whatever “real” number, without actually having to tell everyone your real number. That way, if you get spammed through this service, you can just detach it from your real number at your leisure.

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