Verbosio Developer’s Manual, initial draft

Although I’ve not yet marked any bugs fixed, I realized I needed to write down some of the core concepts in Verbosio, at a high level (not just code documentation). So I started writing the Verbosio Developer’s Manual, first unofficial draft.

So if you have any interest in how it’s supposed to work, well, here you go

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. The manual covers the core concepts in Verbosio that I’ve been working on for the last couple of years. This should clear up a lot of questions people may have about Verbosio, and hopefully help you understand what I’m referring to when I start babbling.

Feedback on this Developer’s Manual is welcome!

Also, for anyone interested in talking with me directly about Verbosio, I’ve decided to maintain a #verbosio channel on moznet. Just look for WeirdAl (that’s me) for whenever I’m signed in to moznet.

One thought on “Verbosio Developer’s Manual, initial draft”

  1. Oh, so _that’s_ what it’s supposed to do! All this time I thought it was just a fancy DOM inspector-type thing.
    Wow… this project sounds really, really useful now. I can’t wait.

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