XUL Widgets 0.4.0 released

So what’s new this time around?

  • There are now separate CVS tags for Gecko 1.8.0.x and Gecko 1.8.x. This means different XPI packages and XULRunner tarballs for each.
  • Flat XPI’s will update to flat XPI’s in the future, as opposed to jarred XPI’s.
  • One minor bug fix to textbox.xml for validation.

Branch tags are listed under src/data/branches.inc in the XUL Widgets repository.

The purpose of this branching is to allow trunk-based and Gecko 1.8.x-based XUL Widgets extensions to line up more with their respective bases. For example, if trunk has implemented a XUL Widgets extension, there’s no need to keep that extension on XUL Widgets’s trunk. Also, new features which could not be supported on Gecko 1.8.0.x branch may now be included for trunk-based and possibly Gecko 1.8.x-based XUL Widgets packages.

The best part about this is that XUL Widgets now supports Gecko 1.8.x and trunk builds. I didn’t fully realize it before, but the packages for XUL Widgets were previously restricted to only the Gecko 1.8.0.x series.

If you installed the flat chrome edition of XUL Widgets, please uninstall version 0.3.x before installing version 0.4.x

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