XUL Widgets project launched

XUL Widgets home page

As a follow-up to my original post suggesting a XUL widgets project, I finally launched it

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. Right now, it collects most of the widgets I’ve written in a generic format. In the next twenty-four hours, I hope to have a XUL Widgets Manual written for project development and for users.

So if you have a XUL element you’ve created and think others might be able to use, come on in! I would also welcome compentent reviewers to point out obvious mistakes.

2 thoughts on “XUL Widgets project launched”

  1. Something else that might be interesting is this remote XUL html editor.
    Along the lines of that link, would it be possible to flag those XUL contributions which “web enabled” – i.e. can be launched directly from a web site without signing / special permissions?

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